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Parachute Partnerships : Relationship-Based Support

Family Services

Child Development Support

You can help your child’s development with the support of our experienced child development specialists. By using a parent coaching framework, you can learn strategies and create a plan to help your child develop age-appropriate skills. Our Parent Coaches emphasize developing relationships, creating positive interactions, and using strategies during your daily activities.

Parent Coaching
and support

Get support for any parenting issue you want to improve or resolve. By using a parent coaching framework, our specialists will help you learn about tools and strategies that fit your individual needs AND help you create a working plan to accomplish your goals. In partnership with an experienced Parent Coach, you can strive to be a happy and healthy parent.

Child and Family Wellness

Learn to enhance your relationship with your child through movement and special activities and games that encourage positive interactions. Explore yoga, meditation, and mindfulness which can help you and your child learn to relax, focus, increase calmness and express creativity. Experience making healthy life choices that will positively impact your family’s well-being.

It Takes Two to Talk®

The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Language Delays​

It Takes Two to Talk® (ITTT) is a program for parents of children (birth to five) who have language delays. This evidence-based program, which was developed by The Hanen Centre, is well-known around the world. Studies on the ITTT Program have shown that it is effective and that, when parents learn to use the program’s strategies, their children’s communication skills improve. Parachute Partnerships offers the ITTT Program through our online services. It is delivered remotely by our certified Speech Language Pathologists who have received specialized training from The Hanen Centre. Follow the link below to learn more about this innovative online program.

We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.

More Than Words

The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

More Than Words® gives parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other social communication disorders practical tools to help their children communicate. It is designed to help parents of children under age six. More Than Words emphasizes the child’s everyday activities as the context for learning to communicate. More Than Words also recognizes the unique needs of children with autism spectrum disorder and helps parents understand their child’s sensory preferences and sensitivities so these can be accommodated during everyday interactions. Most important of all, More Than Words builds positive interactions between parent and child, reducing frustration for both and increasing the child’s opportunities to learn to communicate in real life situations. Parachute Partnerships offers More Than Words through our online services. It is delivered remotely by our certified Speech Language Pathologists who have received specialized training from The Hanen Centre. Follow the link below to learn more about this innovative online program.

Health & Wellness Services

Health & wellness Coaching

A Coach is a wellness professional whose primary purpose is to guide you to reach your individual goals, whether that’s sleeping better, boosting energy, weight loss, stress management, or so much more! Coaches create a safe space for clients to explore their relationships, health, and behaviors in order to make lifestyle changes that can be sustained for the long-term. Using their education and experience, our Coaches help you discover which lifestyle choices make you feel your best. We take a holistic approach to health and wellness while helping you follow the path that supports and nourishes you in all areas of your life.

Reflective consultation

Receive supported learning around the work you do with children and families within a compassionate, collaborative relationship. Explore your thoughts, beliefs, and emotional experiences to improve the understanding of your relationships and the solutions to your dilemmas. Learn how to teach and model social-emotional skills through the use of reflective practices while processing your own experiences.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

About Us

Welcome to Parachute Partnerships

Welcome to Parachute Partnerships! My name is Mary K. Judkins and I am the Founder of the Partnership which I created to bring wellness and relationship-based support to young children and the adults in their lives.  I believe that healthy communication is a crucial component of living a healthy lifestyle. 

I am a pediatric Speech Language Pathologist with experience in the public schools, the Head Start Program, and the Birth to Three Program. I am a certified instructor of two programs from the Hanen Centre: It Takes Two to Talk and More Than Words. These evidence-based programs combine parent education and training with language facilitation.  These programs respect and support a parent or care-giver’s relationship with their child and make intervention a natural part of their daily lives. This program works because families are able to use strategies during activities that are meaningful to their child and can do so many times a week.

Families Really Matter!

I believe families REALLY matter in the development of children. These are the most important relationships a child has and those relationships may need support, especially when a child may have developmental or behavioral challenges. I believe in using Coaching as an interaction style with parents to help them identify goals and make changes so that they can help their child overcome any challenges. 

I have experience as a Program Supervisor and have provided support to staff individually and in groups. I use Reflective Practice methods to facilitate professional development in the areas of communication, relationships, and social-emotional growth with staff. Modeling and experiential learning are important strategies to facilitate learning in these areas.

In May of 2019, I completed a program called BREATHE for CHANGE and became a WELLNESS CHAMPION and a registered yoga instructor.  This program emphasized teacher wellness and social-emotional learning facilitation (SEL*F) with children. I am a believer in wellness for all!

Take advantage of innovative training and resources for Providers

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Family Resources

Video Playlist
1/4 videos
What Role Do Parents Play in Early Language Intervention?
What Role Do Parents Play in Early Language Intervention?
Why Interaction Matters - Part 1
Why Interaction Matters - Part 1
Why Interaction Matters - Part 2
Why Interaction Matters - Part 2
You Are the Key to Your Child’s First Words
You Are the Key to Your Child’s First Words

Let's Talk!

It’s an exciting time! You have taken the first step in creating a healthier, happier life! Please provide your information below. You will receive an email that explains more details about how we can help you and also provides the steps for enrollment in our programs. We look forward to connecting with you very soon!

Let's Talk!

Please provide your information below to find out more about It Takes Two to Talk online. A Speech Language Pathologist will contact you to share more detailed information about enrollments in our programs and how we can help you and your child. We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Let's Talk!

It’s an exciting time! You have taken the first step in creating a healthier, happier life! Please provide your information below. You will receive an email that explains more details about how we can help you and also provides the steps for enrollment in our programs. Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Interested In Becoming
A Partnership Provider?

Please provide your contact information below and we will be in contact with you shortly to discuss opportunities in joining the Partnership!